The Student Activity Fee Committee (SAFC) serves as an advisory group to the university administration concerning the allocation of student activities fees. Specifically, the committee is advisory to the Vice President for Student Engagement (VPSE) and works collaboratively with the Office of the Dean of Students and others designated by the VPSE. SAFC consists of 18 voting members, 13 of which are students.
The Student Activity Fee is a mandatory student fee, used to support programs and services that enhance and enrich all aspects of student life, but most commonly in the areas of social and entertainment activities, intramural sports, student publications, and student government associations to name a few. Student Activity fees are distributed to over 400 student organizations by a committee with representation across the student body. The funding provides a wide range of direct services to students such as presentations, workshops, leadership development, and opportunities to get in. Student organizations that receive these dollars are registered through the Department of Student Life.

What are Mandatory Student Fees?
“Mandatory student fees” are defined as fees that are assessed to all students, all undergraduate students, or all full-time undergraduate students on one or more campuses of a USG (University System of Georgia) institution, including those fees due prior to registration that may be refunded later in the semester and fees for which the student receives a cash equivalent in the amount of the fee. Mandatory student fees may be required by the Board of Regents or by the institution subject to approval by the Board of Regents.
Mandatory student fees shall include, but not be limited to:
- Intercollegiate athletic fees;
- Student health service fees;
- Transportation or parking fees (if the latter are charged to all students);
- Student activity fees;
- Technology fees;
- Facility fees; and
- Mandatory food service fees.
View the different Georgia State University Tuition and Fee charts.
Student Activity Fee Committee (SAFC)
Have you ever wondered how your Student Activity Fees are used? Get directly involved in the process of allocating the funds that support thousands of programs and services, and hundreds of student organizations, across every Georgia State campus by joining the SAFC. Applications will be considered in the order received so the sooner you submit the better. For more information regarding membership to the Student Activity Fee Committee contact Dean Anthony Davis, SAFC Chair.
Student Activity Fee Allocation Process
The Student Activity Fee Committee (SAFC) allocates lump sums to fee councils and colleges. Please review the SAFC Protocol Manual linked below for the current allocation procedures.
To help students better identify programs and services that receive funding from the various student fees, the sticker below will be added digitally and virtually to events, services and anything else that is supported by your student fees.