Students who want to get involved in service can participate in one of the Student Civic Engagement volunteer or service-learning projects. Student Civic Engagement offers one-day service events, educational discussions, group service projects or week-long trips dedicated to service in new cities. View the left-hand navigation for details on Student Civic Engagement programs.
Blood Drives
The gift of blood helps save lives, and the demand for blood and blood products is great. Every 2 seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood, and more than 50,000 units of blood are needed each year.
Atlanta Campus Blood Drives
Student clubs that would like to co-sponsor a blood drive on the Atlanta Campus should call 404-413-1550 or email Student Civic Engagement. Co-sponsoring organization responsibilities include advertising the event and providing volunteers to staff the event on the day of the blood drive.
For an appointment to donate blood with the American Red Cross on the Atlanta campus, please refer to American Red Cross and enter sponsor code georgiagsu. Walk-ins are also welcome.
American Red Cross Age Requirements
American Red Cross requires all donors to be at least 17 years old, or 16 years old with a signed permission form from their parent or a guardian before the donation.
Fall 2024 Blood Drives: Atlanta Campus
Perimeter Campuses Blood Drives
Lifesouth came to the Atlanta community in 1995 at the request of three hospitals. Lifesouth now serves more than 25 hospitals throughout Georgia and they are the sole or primary supplier for multiple hospitals in the metro Atlanta area.
Student clubs that would like to co-sponsor a blood drive on a Perimeter campus should call 404-413-1550 or email Student Civic Engagement. Co-sponsoring organization responsibilities include advertising the event and providing volunteers to staff the event on the day of the blood drive.
Lifesouth Age Requirements: Lifesouth requires all donors to be at least 17 years old, or 16 years old with a signed permission form from their parent or a guardian before the donation.
Lifesouth Community Blood Centers Donor Educational Materials
Fall 2024 Blood Drives: Perimeter Campuses
Community Impact Corps
Get connected with the community and earn hands-on experience through the community service component of the federal work study program called Community Impact Corps. Students who choose to participate in this program have the opportunity to gain valuable skills, network with nonprofit leaders in Atlanta and participate in professional development sessions.
One of the primary focal points of Georgia State is to prepare students for their careers through their college experience which is defined in the university’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). Civic Engagement supports the university’s mission by providing federal work-study opportunities for students who are dedicated to creating change and maintaining positive change. This is done by placing those students who are eligible for federal work-study with our community partners in efforts to ensure they have the theoretical and practical experience needed upon graduation to obtain and secure their ideal career.
Interested Students
Students must contact Financial Aid to determine eligibility for federal work-study.
Getting Started
Students need to bring a copy of their class schedule and award letter (showing they have been awarded federal work-study, which can be accessed in their PAWS Account) to Student Civic Engagement where they can browse through a hard copy list of job openings or view the job openings on Handshake.
Upon becoming a work-study student within the program, students will receive the following: five-minute orientation on what is required for participation in this program, Student Rights and Responsibilities handout to review and sign, guidance with entering time into OneUSG Connect for payroll, customer service training techniques to assist while on the job or in everyday life and information about Reflection Session events and more.
Handshake is an innovative way for students to connect with thousands of employers, make appointments with career counselors and search for jobs and internships on and off-campus. Handshake allows students to personalize career recommendations based on interests and connections, helping students discover exciting new opportunities. This user-friendly version of job hunting can assist the everyday student to navigate their way to discover the convenience of job research, create profiles, sign up for campus career events and more.
Handshake provides multiple online resources, such as virtual training videos on how to apply for jobs, save specific job searches and edit documents. With their friendly team of experts, all applicants can be guaranteed a reliable and effective experience to assist with any addressed concerns.
Login online: Handshake
About the Program
The program was initiated in 1994 with three worksites and 24 students. The program continues to gather momentum, serving over 30 worksites and 50 student employees. Student Civic Engagement looks forward to serving students and the community as the twenty-third year of this program begins!
Background Checks
All Georgia State students who work at sites where children are present will have a background check performed. For further information regarding background checks or questions about the Federal Work-Study program, please contact Morgan Connor or call 404-413-1550.

Earth Week
SAVE THE DATE: April 21st- April 25th 2025
Every year, the Georgia State community gathers to celebrate Earth Day with a week of educational events, volunteer opportunities, and fun activities. The week is designed to inspire a shared sense of awe and appreciation for nature and a commitment to behaviors and actions that care for and protect the planet. Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970 and is celebrated annually by more than a billion people around the globe. We invite you to join our Earth Day celebrations and help make an impact and drive positive change. Earth Week 2025 is a collaborative effort of Student Civic Engagement, Perimeter College Science, Student Life and the Sustainability Initiatives Office with support from other organizations.
If your department or organization is hosting an Earth Week event, the Sustainability Initiatives Office would love to include it here. For more information, please email Student Civic Engagement.
Past Earth Week Events
Friday, April 14, 2023
The Atlanta Global Studies Symposium presents groundbreaking multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary, and cross-sector collaborative research and initiatives that promote global education, language learning, sustainable development, and community engagement.
ATL Sustainability Networking Night Wild Leap Atlanta - Near Atlanta Campus (5 -7 p.m.)
A casual gathering to connect, collaborate, and create pathways. Sustainability professionals, University students, faculty, staff, and alumni are encouraged to attend.
Saturday, April 15, 2023
National litter prevention and cleanup efforts in collaboration with Keep Newton Beautiful. Volunteers will clean up the area along Highway 11 near campus. Breakfast is provided before the service project.
Monday, April 17, 2023
Come and see Dr. Socci demonstrate how to cook using the power of the Sun!
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Volunteers will plant, harvest and help clean up the Community Garden.
Earth Week Festival Atlanta Campus (11 a.m. - 2 p.m.)
Come to Hurt Park to engage with various student clubs, eat food and listen to music on the lawn. Bring canned goods to donate. Bring books, e-waste, and textiles to recycle.
Build a Recycling Waste Station Atlanta Campus (11 a.m. - 2 p.m.)
Come to Hurt Park to learn how to build a recycling waste station from our in-house sustainability pros.
Earthy Air Planting Alpharetta Campus (11 a.m. - 1 p.m.)
Join us at the Alpharetta campus for a do-it-yourself Earth Day event. Students will be provided with a kit to create an air plant and decorate. These fascinating little plants have become quite popular over the last few years, appearing in just about any garden center or even in the checkout line at the grocery store. So come out, have some fun and add a little greenery to your home.
Build it and They WON'T Come Newton Campus (11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.)
Meet in the community gardens to build deer netting frames to protect the plants. Come to help for as long as you can - volunteers don't need to stay the whole time.
Rooftop Garden Behind the Scenes Tour Atlanta Campus (3:30 - 4:30 p.m.)
Come take a tour of the Atlanta Campus Rooftop Garden at Center Parc Stadium
Mini Panel: Meet the GSURC Sustainability Winners Atlanta Campus (4:30 - 6 p.m.)
Meet the winning panel from this year's Georgia State Research Conference. Get a chance to see their projects from various disciplines from interior design to Robotics/Engineering.
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Volunteers will walk around campus and collect trash/recycling.
Keep Calm and Plant On! Dunwoody Campus (10 a.m. - Noon)
Come out to plant an herb garden with the pot, peat and seeds provided!
Botanical Garden Plant Sales Prep Decatur Campus (10 a.m. - Noon)
Come out and help the Botanical Garden prep for its annual plant sale! Volunteers will organize, label and pot plants and help with general clean-up around the sales area as well.
Build a Bug Hotel Dunwoody Campus (4 - 6 p.m.)
Participants will build bug houses from recycled and natural materials & discuss the importance of insects in our environment. Families welcome (kids must be accompanied by a guardian)! Bring any used milk cartons, toilet paper rolls, etc. to help provide materials for this event.
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Come out and help set up, run and break down the Earth Week expo.
Botanical Garden Plant Sales Prep Decatur Campus (10 a.m. - Noon)
Come out and help the Botanical Garden prep for its annual plant sale! Volunteers will organize, label and pot plants and help with general clean-up around the sales area as well.
Earth Week Expo Decatur Campus (10 a.m. - 2 p.m.)
Exhibitors will educate attendees about sustainability and green living. Food and giveaways.
Freight Farm Behind the Scenes Tour Atlanta Campus (Noon - 2 p.m.)
Come get an in-depth tour of Georgia State's urban vertical garden, housed inside a shipping container.
Recycling Center Behind the Scenes Tour Atlanta Campus (1 - 2:30 p.m.)
Tour Georgia State's Recycling Center to learn more about how we recycle paper, books, plastic film, e-waste, and more.
Beyond Plastics: Discussion Forum and Reception Atlanta Campus (4:30 - 7 p.m.)
Both the U.S. and Germany are leading the search for comprehensive public and private solutions to urban plastic waste. Join us at the Beyond Plastics: Discussion Forum as we discuss plastic reduction and sustainability in the cities of Atlanta and Berlin. The panel will be followed by a reception.
Friday, April 21, 2023
Volunteers will be assisting customers during the sale, labeling, carrying plants to customer cars, etc.
Pollinator Garden Work Day Clarkston Campus (10 a.m.)
Assist with planting and maintenance in the Pollinator Garden on the Clarkston Campus.
Saturday, April 22, 2023 (Earth Day)
Volunteers will be assisting customers during the sale, labeling, carrying plants to customer cars, etc.
Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week
Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week is an annual event held in November. Every year, schools, communities, and cities take part in a nationwide effort to bring awareness to food insecurity and homelessness. This year’s Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week at Georgia State will take place from November 17-23, 2024.
During this week, Student Civic Engagement and collaborating partners host a collection of events designed to inspire student engagement, raise awareness, and ignite knowledge transfer among the student population on food insecurity and homelessness issues in the Atlanta community. By fostering a network of collaboration, education and experiences among students, community, and campus leaders, the hope is to have all participants take away insight, knowledge and inspiration. We hope this will lead to impactful actions and involvement to alleviate food insecurity and homelessness within our community.
Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week collaborates with Panther’s Pantry, Dean of Students, Embark Network, Leadership & Service and Cultures Communities & Inclusion.
MLK Day of Service
SAVE THE DATE: Monday, January 20, 2025
Each year Georgia State honors Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s life and works with numerous activities in January. The MLK Commemoration Week feature lectures, discussions, celebrations, and community service opportunities that reflect his dream and vision for civil rights and social justice.
ABOUT OUR 2025 MLK Day of Service Project:
Instead of taking the holiday off, participate in Georgia State's MLK Day of Service on Monday, January 20, 2025! The Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service is Georgia State's largest annual volunteer event that brings students together to do community service!
Georgia State is proud to honor Dr. King's vision by kicking off our Day of Service with a Unity Walk from the Atlanta campus of Georgia State to the MLK Center. Our walk will take us down historical Auburn Avenue. Named "The richest Negro street in America" by Fortune Magazine, Auburn Avenue is world famous for being the heart of black enterprise and the civil rights movement. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was born on Auburn Avenue and preached on the street, which is now home to The King Center, founded by Coretta Scott King.
Following our Unity Walk we will continue to celebrate Dr. King's vision by engaging in an afternoon of community service. Join us for a meaningful day of discovery, service, and celebration! More detailed information is in the PIN event.
The service opportunities being provided for the Alpharetta and Dunwoody and Newton campuses on January 20 have been postponed due to the forecast of inclement weather. There is also a service event at the Decatur campus on January 21.
Have questions? Reach out to Ellin McDonough, Director of Leadership & Service at [email protected].
PawsForACause Expo
Tuesday, September 17th, 2024 Student Center East Ballroom 11am-1pm
Georgia State students, faculty, and staff meet Atlanta nonprofits at the PawsForACause EXPO. These organizations offer volunteer opportunities and information about their efforts in Atlanta. Students, faculty, and staff can interact with these groups to find opportunities that match their needs and interests.
For any questions concerning the fair, email Morgan Connor at mconnor2@gsu,edu.
Panther Breakaway
Panther Breakaway is part of the national alternative breaks program, that organizes community service trips for college students during their winter, spring and summer breaks. Student Civic Engagement offers both international and domestic trips.
Students who are looking for a meaningful way to spend winter or spring break can join Student Civic Engagement and other students for a week of volunteering activities in cities across the southeast United States.
Domestic Trips
Partner: American Hiking Society
Cost: $250
Location: Grayton Beach State Park, Florida
Project Description: Participants will work alongside the American Hiking Society doing trail management & maintenance all while enjoying one of the most beautiful state parks in the southeast.
Partner Habitat for Humanity Asheville
Cost: $250
Location: Asheville, North Carolina
Project Description: Participants will work with Habitat for Humanity Asheville to help low-income homeowners, often the elderly, with work including building ramps, installing grab bars and showers, replacing or repairing siding and flooring, building or rebuilding decks and stairs, painting/staining exteriors, and more.
Partner: Give Kids the World
Cost: $250
Location: Orlando, Florida
Project Description: Participants will work as volunteers and contribute their time and talent, helping to create priceless memories for critically ill children and their families during magical weeklong wish vacations in our whimsical storybook Village.
Trip Details
- Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
- Each trip cost includes all transportation, lodging and meals.
- Students, faculty and staff, can pay for Panther Breakaway alternative break trips online through Marketplace.
International Trips
Keep checking here for updates on the return of the International Panther Breakaway trip for Spring 2023.
Leadership Opportunities
More information on the 2022-23 Site Leader application coming soon! Site leaders receive a $50 discount on the price of their trip.
How to be a Leader
Students, faculty, and staff who are interested in serving as part of the Panther Breakaway leadership team for 2022-23 trips should contact Assistant Director Byron Jones at 404-413-1552.
Panther Community Plunge
SAVE THE DATE! The 2024 Panther Community Plunge will be held on Friday, September 27th! The Panther Community Plunge is Civic Engagement’s first large-scale day of service of the academic year that introduces first-year and returning students at Georgia State to the numerous social issues faced by Atlanta communities. This year student volunteers and staff leaders will participate in service projects dealing with a variety of issues from the environment to homelessness.
The Panther Community Plunge is made possible through a generous donation from American Family Insurance!
Email Student Civic Engagement or call us at 404-413-1550 at with any questions.

Voter Engagement Programs
Student Civic Engagement works alongside university departments, colleges and community organizations to provide a list of opportunities for voter registration and voter engagement programming for Georgia State University students, faculty and staff to engage. For more information visit the voter engagement webpage,
Constitution Week, September 16-24, 2024
On September 17, 1787, the members of the Constitutional Convention signed the United States Constitution in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Constitutional Convention convened in response to dissatisfaction with the Articles of Confederation and the need for a strong centralized government. After four months of secret debate and many compromises, the proposed Constitution was submitted to the states for approval. Although the vote was close in some states, the Constitution was eventually ratified, and the new Federal government came into existence in 1789. The Constitution established the U.S. government as it exists today.
Explore Our Constitution
- Georgia State Library Research Guide for Constitution Week
- Visit the National Constitution Center site
- National Constitution Center Exhibits' Virtual Tours
- Interactive Quiz - How will your score measure up?
- Transcript of the Constitution
- Errors in the Constitution
- Interactive Constitution - Explore the Constitution! Search by article, amendment or issue.
- National Constitution Center Podcasts and Blog
2024 Constitution Week Events
Monday, September 16, 2024
Free Expression
10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Atlanta Campus; Student Center East - Unity Plaza Free Speech Area)
Student Poster Session "Immigration: Challenges, Opportunities, and Contributions"
11 a.m. - 1 p.m. (Newton Campus; 2N Atrium / Student Center 2N 1000)
Race, Ethnicity And The Law
10:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. (Atlanta Campus; College of Law - 346 Mishra Family Classroom)
Civ Pro: The Federal Rules
1:15 - 2:30 p.m. (Atlanta Campus; College of Law - 241 Lecture Hall)
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
National Voter Registration Day 2024 Tabling
10 a.m. - 2 p.m. (Atlanta Campus: Student Center East)
Register to vote, check your registration status and more.
Celebrate U.S. Constitution Day and National Voter Registration Day
11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. (Dunwoody Campus, Student Center)
Black, Female, and Republican: The Future of Identity Politics in the Post-Woke Era
Noon - 1 p.m. (Atlanta Campus, College of Law - 241 Lecture Hall)
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
OUTLAW Lunch + Learn: The State of LGBTQ+ Law in Georgia
Noon - 1 p.m. (College of Law - 242 Lecture Hall
Past Constitution Week Events
Monday, Sept. 18, 2023
Pride At Work: A Roundtable Discussion on LGBTQ-Plus Issues and the Labor Movement
11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. (Clarkston Campus CN 2220)
This panel will feature Evette Avery- Treasurer, Teamsters LGBTQ-Plus Caucus; Joseph Hyde- Political/Education Trainer, Georgia State AFL-CIO; and Rachel McClendon, President, Atlanta Chapter of Pride At Work, and International Representative, International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees.
Voter Registration Drive, hosted by Student Civic Engagement
10 - 11:30 a.m. (Clarkston Campus Student Center)
Register to vote, check your registration status and more.
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Voter Registration Drive, hosted by Covington Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. (Newton Campus)
Register to vote, check your registration status and more.
Voter Registration Drive, hosted by Student Civic Engagement
11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. (Alpharetta Campus)
Register to vote, check your registration status and more.
Voter Registration Drive, hosted by Student Government Association
12:30 - 2 p.m. (Atlanta Campus Unity Plaza)
Register to vote, check your registration status and more.
Wednesday, Sept. 20 2023
The First Amendment in the 21st Century
10 - 11 a.m. (Decatur Campus SB 2180)
An informational presentation, facilitated by attorney Pamela Lohr Hendrix on the First Amendment and its current implications. Student attendees receive a copy of the Constitution.
Voter Registration Drive, hosted by Student Civic Engagement
11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. (Decatur Campus Student Center)
Register to vote, check your registration status and more.
A Healthy Constitution: Perspectives on America Institutions Over Time
11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. (Newton Campus)
Panel Discussion features Dr. Patrick Elliott, Zachary Bates, Jean Francois Onivogui and Authur Cacase.
Constitution Day Tabling hosted by Spotlight
12 - 1 p.m. (Atlanta Campus Student Center lobby)
Grab some goodies and patriotic materials during Constitution Week.
Pop Talks! hosted by the Multicultural Center
12:15 - 1:30 p.m. (Atlanta Campus SCE 206)
This special edition of Pop Talks will discuss the importance of the Constitution and the impact it has on different communities.
Thursday, Sept. 21
Constitution Day Trivia, Hosted by Student Government Association and Perimeter College's Department of History, Political Science and African American Studies
1 - 2 p.m. (Newton Campus, 2N Lobby)
Show off your Constitution knowledge- or learn more- in this fun trivia game! Win prizes!
The Constitution- More than a Narrative, Hosted by the Department of History and Political Science at Alpharetta
1 - 2 p.m. (Alpharetta Campus AB-107)
This event includes speakers Kelvin and Janelle King. Kelvin James ran against Herschel Walker and Gary Black in the Republican Primary for the Senate seat held by Senator R. Warnock. He is a graduate of the Air Force Academy where he was an all-conference star defensive back on their football team. Janelle King, his wife, is a TV Celebrity, a member of the political program “The Georgia Gang”, and board member for The League of Women Voters.
Voter Registration Drive, Hosted by Dunwoody's Student Life and Political Science Department and Dekalb Board of Elections
9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Dunwoody Campus, Student Center)
Register to vote, check your registration status and more.
Panther's Vote Registration Drive and Photo Booth, hosted by Student Civic Engagement
11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. (Atlanta Campus, Student Center East Lobby)
Register to vote, check your registration status and more..