Georgia State University has once again been designated a Voter Friendly Campus! Only 258 universities in the country received this designation.

Voter Friendly Campus
Georgia State University has once again been designated a Voter Friendly Campus! Only 258 universities in the country received this designation. The mission of the 2023 Voter Friendly Campus designation aims to bolster colleges' and universities’ efforts to help students overcome barriers to political participation – every year, not just during years featuring federal elections. Georgia State was evaluated based on a written plan for how we planned to register, educate and turnout student voters in 2022; how we facilitated voter engagement efforts on our campus; and a final analysis of our efforts.
Read the full article, here.
MLK Commemoration
Instead of taking the holiday off, participate in GSU's MLK Day of Service on Monday, January 20, 2025! The Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service is GSU's largest annual volunteer event that brings students together to do community service!
Georgia State is proud to honor Dr. King's vision by kicking off our Day of Service with a Unity Walk from that Atlanta campus of Georgia State to the MLK Center. Our walk will take us down historical Auburn Avenue. Named "The richest Negro street in America" by Fortune Magazine, Auburn Avenue is world famous for being the heart of black enterprise and the civil rights movement. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was born on Auburn Avenue and preached on the street, which is now home to The King Center, founded by Coretta Scott King.
Following our Unity Walk we will continue to celebrate Dr. King's vision by engaging in an afternoon of community service. Join us for a meaningful day of discovery, service, and celebration! More detailed information is in the PIN event.
The service opportunities being provided for the Alpharetta and Dunwoody and Newton campuses on January 20 have been postponed due to the forecast of inclement weather. There is also a service event at the Decatur campus on January 21.

Make a STATEment, Vote!
Students, faculty and staff: Register to VOTE!
Georgia State University has made it easy for students, faculty and staff to register to vote. When there is an election in your area, you will be sent a reminder to ensure you never miss another election. TurboVote is an application that makes voting easy. When you sign up, TurboVote keeps track of your elections, local and national. And if you need to get registered, update your voter registration, or request an absentee ballot, we’ll get you all the forms and information you need, when you need them.
TurboVote keeps track of registration and vote-by-mail rules for all 50 states, so you don’t have to.
Visit the Student Engagement Vote page and make a STATEment!
Contact Us
Student Civic Engagement
Contact Information
[email protected]
Office Location
475 Student Center West
66 Courtland Street
Atlanta, GA 30303
Mailing Address
Georgia State University
Student Civic Engagement
P.O. Box 3972
Atlanta, GA 30302-3972
Staff Contact Information
Director for Student Civic Engagement
Ellin McDonough
Assistant Director for Student Civic Engagement
B.J. Durant
Coordinator for Student Civic Engagement
Morgan Connor
Coordinator for Student Civic Engagement
Shanika Harvey