The Student Center provides services in many areas that contribute to a convenient, comfortable and helpful environment for students and other guests. Explore the services listed on the left to learn more.
Patrons can charge phones and other mobile devices at Panther Power charging stations on the first, second, and third floors of Student Center East and the third floor of Student Center West. There are also charging lockers on the 4th floor of Student Center West and the 1st floor of Student Center East so that your devices are stored safely while they are charging.

Email and internet services are available at computer stations on the first, second and third floors of Student Center East. Look for the freestanding workstations with computers. To access, use your campus ID and password.
Patrons of the Student Center can always find assistance at the Information Center on the first floor of Student Center East or by calling 404-413-1850. The Information Center is open from 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. Monday -Thursday, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Friday, noon - 8 p.m. Saturday and 2 - 8 p.m. Sunday. In addition to information about the center, Georgia State and the downtown community, the Information Center provides:
- Directory Services
- Discount Tickets
- Lost & Found
- Snack & Sundries Shop
Gummi Bears
Laffy Taffy
Life Saver's Gummies
Sour Patch Kids
Sour Punch Straws
- Cheetos Flamin' Hot
- Hershey's Cookie's n' Creme
- Kit Kat
- M&M Peanut
- Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
- Snicker's
- Twix
- Oreos
- Trident
- Wrigley's
Lip Balm
- Carmex
- Advil
- Motrin
- Tylenol
- Planter's Munch n' Go Trail Mix
- Rice Krispies Treats
The Student Center features a lactation room (SCW 269) to provide nursing mothers with a private space for breastfeeding and breast pumping.
For more information or to register for a time slot, contact Monica Graham by email or call 404-413-1890.
Please note that the Library also has a lactation room to support breastfeeding students, faculty, and staff in Library North 029 (LN 029) - located in the University Library Student Commons. Students can now make a reservation on their own and receive an access code by email. It is no longer necessary to "Check in at the Technology Support Desk, Library North 2, for access.
- 35 Broad Street, 6th floor
- 55 Park Place, 12th floor
Georgia State University students and registered student organizations may reserve lockers in Student Center East, Student Center West, Urban Life Center and Langdale Hall on a semester basis at no cost. Individual students may do so through the online Locker Request form and registered student organizations can do so through the Panther Involvement Network (PIN).
The Student Center does not provide locks. Students must use a personal lock and it must remain on the rented locker throughout the rental period. The Student Center is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
Locker Access
After placing an online request for a locker (either through the Locker Store or PIN), renters must take the online order receipt or PIN approval to the Student Center Administrative Office, Student Center East, Suite 310, to have the tie cut before using the locker.
Allocation Period
Lockers are allocated each semester on a first-come, first-served basis and are not available for a short period between semesters in order to permit the cleaning of each locker.
Lockers must be emptied and locks removed by 5 p.m. on the last day of the rental period, as stated in the Locker Use Agreement*.
Allocation period dates are:
- Fall 2024 – August 12 – December 17
- Spring 2025 – January 6 – May 6
- Summer 2025 – May 12 – August 4
- Fall 2025 - August 11 - December 16
More Information
For more information, contact the Student Center Administrative Office, Student Center East, Suite 310, or call 404-413-1860.
Lost items in the Student Center may be turned in to the Information Center on the first floor of Student Center East. The Information Center transfers lost items to the university’s lost and found at Georgia State University Police headquarters. The Student Center assumes no responsibility for lost articles.
The Georgia State University Police Information Desk at 404-413-3234 maintains the university’s lost and found service.
Lounges and other seating areas in the Student Center offer a variety of comfortable spaces to study, relax, meet friends or just hang out. Lounges are intended for informal use and cannot be reserved for meetings or events unless approved in writing in advance by the Director of the Student Center.
Atrium Lounge - 1st Floor SC East
Collaboration Lounge - 2nd Floor SC East
Elevator Lounge - 2nd Floor SC East
The Intersection - 2nd Floor SC East 210
Panther Place Lounge - 3rd Floor SC West
A U.S. Postal Service mailbox is located on the first floor of Student Center East near the Information Center. Mail pickup is at 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. For information regarding Mail Services at Georgia State University see Campus Services.
Located between Student East and the Urban Life Building this seating area is extremely popular as a place to relax and gather with friends.

Internet access is available in most areas of the Student Center via Georgia State University’s wireless networks. Students, faculty and staff can access the Georgia State University Wireless Network network using their campusID and password.
Other patrons can submit a request to access Georgia State University-Guest, the university’s guest wireless network when they are on campus.
Contact Us
Student Center Administration
Mailing Address
Georgia State University
Student Center Administrative Office
PO Box 3973
Atlanta, GA 30302-3973
Delivery Address
Georgia State University
Student Center Administrative Office
Student Center East, Suite 310
55 Gilmer St.
Atlanta, GA 30303
Student Center Event Management
Follow us on social media!
Student Center Information Center
Building Hours of Operation
Our regular hours of operation for the fall and spring semesters will be in place from Thursday, August 22, 2024, to Friday, May 2, 2025.
Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m. – 10 p.m.
Friday, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Saturday, noon - 8 p.m.
Sunday, 2 - 8 p.m.
See our Building Hours for exceptions.