The Student Government Association (SGA) provides various ways for the members of the student body to participate in their activities and events throughout the year. Students who want more information on how to serve the Georgia State student body should refer to the links on the left-hand side of the page below.
General Senate Body Meetings
The SGA holds its general Senate body meetings biweekly. These meetings are open to the public, and students are invited to attend these meetings to learn more about what their SGA can do for them. Check the listing of "Upcoming Events" for meeting dates, times and locations.
Applications for Communications Director and Finance Director positions for the 95th administration (2024-2025) are available for the Atlanta campus and the Perimeter College campuses. The priority review deadline for all positions is Sunday, March 31. Candidates will be interviewed the week of April 1 and selected candidates will be nominated for confirmation by their respective senates the week of April 8. The University-wide Executive Committee will confirm any nominees for positions on campuses that do not yet have a Senate. Applications will continue to be reviewed until all positions have been filled.
Position descriptions for appointed positions are listed below as stated in SGA's bylaws (available in SGA's PIN profile).
Communications Director - Atlanta
- Applicants must have accumulated 12 semester credit hours at Georgia State University.
- Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 to apply and 2.5 to maintain a position
The Atlanta Campus Communications Director shall have the following responsibilities:
- Oversees the public relations and marketing efforts of the Atlanta campus and university-wide SGA.
- Provide direction and goals to the Standing Committee on Public Relations which includes:
- Overseeing all activities regarding SGA public relations (providing students with the information they need to be aware of and participate in all of the programs, resources and initiatives of the SGA).
- Act as a coordinating committee within the SGA to aid all other committees in the dissemination of information.
- Maintain communications with all media groups in the University and/or local media.
- Actively promote a positive image of the SGA throughout the University and greater Atlanta community.
- Inform the student body of enacted legislation and information concerning SGA activities and programs.
- Manage the imaging and branding of SGA.
- Inform the student body of SGA activities and projects including, but not limited to, town halls.
- Develop ways for the SGA to collaborate and engage with student organizations and University departments.
- Serve on the University-Wide Executive Committee.
- Report on activities of the Standing Committee on Public Relations to the EVP and SGA Senate.
- With the approval of the Finance Director and the SGA Advisor order promotional items and coordinate promotional events.
- Coordinate the publication of a Fall and Spring semester with the Perimeter Communication Directors to report on SGA’s efforts and accomplishments.
- Assist Senate members in promoting their constituent meetings.
- Maintain and oversee all SGA social media accounts
- Meet twice a month with the Student Center’s Digital Media Specialist and with the SGA Advisor on alternate weeks.
- Perform other duties as assigned or prescribed by the EVP.
- To provide transition resources for the next administration’s Communications Director to include:
- Transition materials – important contact information, calendar of tasks, meeting notes, a summary of accomplishments, etc…
- Recommendations for improvements
- The Communications Director shall be required to maintain a minimum of 15 working hours per week (Monday through Friday) during their terms. Office hours shall be defined as hours during which the Communications Director is available in the SGA Office.
- Working hours and requirements are defined below:
- Seven hours in the office including regularly scheduled meetings with the campus advisor.
- Eight hours between all official meetings and events.
Communications Director - Perimeter College
- Applicants must have accumulated 12 semester credit hours at Georgia State University.
- Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 to apply and 2.5 to maintain a position
The Perimeter Campus Communications Directors shall have the following responsibilities:
- To serve as the corresponding and recording Secretary for the Student Government Association, Campus Executive Committee (CEC), Campus Senate and Campus Special Request Committee as directed by the EVP or Advisor.
- To file and manage an accurate and permanent record of the minutes of the meetings of the CEC and Campus Senate.
- To keep and make available to the CEC a permanent record of the constitution and constitutional amendments passed by the Campus Senate or any other constitutionally appropriate officer.
- To forward all legislation passed by the Senate, and signed by its Chairperson, to the EVP within two instructional days after passage.
- To perform such other duties the EVP may assign in the administration of the Executive Committee.
- To post all agendas, summary notes, and approved minutes on the SGA website.
- Distribute copies of the minutes of all SGA meetings to SGA members, the SGA Advisor and designated bulletin boards.
- To provide mentorship to the newly-appointed Communications Director lasting a minimum of two weeks not to exceed 31 calendar days.
- Maintain a record of all resolutions and the voting records to be available to the public.
- Attend SGA-sponsored events and functions.
- Attend all SGA Senate and CEC meetings.
- Attend mandatory training events each semester as scheduled by SGA and/or the office of Student Life.
- Work a minimum of five office hours per week in the SGA office during each semester.
- Keep the official record of SGA office hours, meeting attendance and initiatives.
- Coordinate and submit SGA Mid-Year and End-of-Year Reports to the office of Student Life.
- Uphold the Constitution and all ordinances of the SGA.
- Participate in the Perimeter College Student Activity Fee Budget and Special Request processes. Ensure that all legislative matters be delivered to the campus Senate.
- Serve as the Election Commission Chair, assisting the SGA Advisor or their designee, with the planning and coordination of all student election activities.
- The Communications Director shall be required to maintain a minimum of 5 working hours per week during their terms. Office hours shall be defined as hours during which the Communications Director is available in the SGA Office.
- Working hours and requirements are defined below:
- Two hours in the office
- One hour in advisor meetings
- Eight hours between all official meetings and events.
Communications Director - University Wide
- Applicants must have accumulated 12 semester credit hours at Georgia State University.
- Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 to apply and 2.5 to maintain a position
The University-wide Communications Director shall have the following responsibilities:
- Oversees the public relations and marketing efforts of the University-Wide SGA.
- Provide direction and goals to the Campus Communications Directors which includes:
- Overseeing all activities regarding SGA public relations (providing students with the information they need to be aware of and participate in all of the programs, resources, and initiatives of the SGA).
- Act as a Coordinator within the SGA to aid all other committees in the dissemination of information.
- Maintain communications with all media groups in the University and/or local media.
- Actively promote a positive image of the SGA throughout the University and greater Metro-Atlanta community.
- Inform the student body on SGA activities and projects including, but not limited to, town halls.
- Manage the imaging and branding of SGA.
- Inform the student body of enacted legislation and information concerning SGA activities and programs.
- Chair the U-Wide Communications Committee, which shall be made up of the Campus Communication Directors and any ex-officio members as interested
- Serve on the University-Wide Executive Committee.
- Report on the activities of the Campus Communications Directors to the University-Wide Senate.
- With the approval of the University-Wide Finance Director and the SGA Advisor order promotional items and coordinate promotional events.
- Coordinate the publication of the Fall and Spring semester report with the Perimeter & Atlanta Communications Directors to report on SGA’s efforts and accomplishments.
- Assist Senate members in promoting their constituent meetings.
- Maintain and oversee all SGA social media accounts.
- Perform other duties as assigned or prescribed by the President.
- To provide transition resources for the next administration’s U-Wide Communications Director to include:
- Transition materials – important contact information, calendar of tasks, meeting notes, summary of accomplishments, etc.
- Recommendations for improvements
- The University-Wide Communications Director shall serve at the direction of the SGA President.
Finance Director - Atlanta
- Applicants must have accumulated 12 semester credit hours at Georgia State University.
- Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 to apply and 2.5 to maintain a position
The Atlanta Campus Finance Director shall have the following responsibilities:
- Provide direction and goals to the Standing Committee on Budget and Finance which include:
- Ensuring the SGA follows University financial policies.
- Preparing the SGA Budget in accordance with Title III of this Code.
- Be responsible for the establishment, monitoring, and maintenance of budgeted category accounts.
- The Budget and Finance Committee will review and approve financial co-sponsorships for fiscal soundness following approval by the Student Life Committee and then forward their recommendations to their EVP for approval.
- Report on activities of the Standing Committee on Budget & Finance to the Speaker of the Senate and campus Senate.
- Prepare and deliver a monthly financial report to the campus Senate and publish it on the SGA website. The report should detail all financial activity since the last report. All discrepancies must be researched and resolved and reported to the Senate with the next financial activities report.
- Serve as the student representative on committees of the University Senate as outlined in the University Statutes and Bylaws and SGA Bylaws.
- Approve all expenditures in accordance with the SGA Bylaws.
- Sign all University business forms that are forwarded to the Student Center and Dean of Students Business offices.
- Perform other duties as assigned or prescribed by the EVP
- Each year, prepare a request for funding of the SGA for the Student Activity Fee Committee.
- Meet once a week with the SGA Administrative Coordinator to review expenditure actuals.
- To provide transition resources for the next administration’s Communications Director to include:
- Transition materials – important contact information, calendar of tasks, meeting notes, a summary of accomplishments, etc…
- Recommendations for improvements
- The Finance Director shall be required to maintain a minimum of 8 working hours per week during their terms. Office hours shall be defined as hours during which the Finance Director is available at the SGA office.
- Working hours and requirements are defined below:
- Four hours in the office including regularly scheduled meetings with the campus advisor.
- Eight hours between all official meetings and events.
Finance Director - Perimeter College
- Applicants must have accumulated 12 semester credit hours at Georgia State University.
- Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 to apply and 2.5 to maintain a position
The Perimeter Campus Finance Directors shall have the following responsibilities:
- To serve on the Student Activity Budget Committee as defined in the Student Activity Fee Codes.
- Participate in the Student Activity Fee Budget process as defined in the Student Activity Fee Codes.
- May serve as Chair (non-voting) of the Campus Student Activity Fee Budget Committee (CSAFBC) and under the supervision of the SGA Advisor appoints at least four students to the committee.
- Preside over the Campus Special Requests committee meetings as directed by the EVP and SGA Advisor.
- Assist in all Campus Student Activity Fee Trainings.
- Keep official SGA records of all financial transactions, budgets, and reconciliations of the SGA account(s).
- To prepare and submit an itemized financial report to the Campus Senate at the end of each semester. Each itemized financial report must be presented on or before the first Senate meeting of the next semester and shall include a starting balance, an itemized list of income and expenses, and the closing balance in the general journal for that time period.
- To serve on the Campus Executive Committee.
- To serve as Parliamentarian for the Campus Senate Meetings, President’s Cabinet, and other committees as assigned.
- Provide parliamentarian workshops each semester for SGA.
- To perform other such duties the EVP may assign in the administration of the Executive Branch.
- Provide mentorship to the newly-appointed SGA Treasurer lasting a minimum of two (weeks not to exceed 31 calendar days.
- Assist in the Coordination of the Student Activity Fee Campus Budget hearings for clubs and organizations, committees and departments and maintain records of income and expenditures.
- Attend SGA-sponsored events and functions.
- Co-coordinate and chair all of their campus budget hearings and meetings.
- Attend all SGA Senate and Campus Executive Committee meetings.
- Attend mandatory training events each semester as scheduled by SGA and/or the Office of Student Life.
- Must work a minimum of five office hours per week in the SGA office during each semester.
- Uphold the Constitution and all ordinances of the SGA.
- Report expenditures at SGA Meetings on all financial affairs on a bi-weekly basis.
- Shall meet with the SGA Advisor monthly to discuss the budget.
- The Finance Director shall be required to maintain a minimum of five working hours per week during their terms. Office hours shall be defined as hours during which the Finance Director is available in the SGA Office.
- Working hours and requirements are defined below:
- Two hours in the office
- One hour of advisor meetings
- Eight hours between all official meetings and events.
Finance Director - University-wide
- Applicants must have accumulated 12 semester credit hours at Georgia State University.
- Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 to apply and 2.5 to maintain a position
The University-wide Finance Director shall have the following responsibilities:
- Provide direction and goals to Campus Standing Committees on Budget and Finance which include:
- Ensuring the SGA follows University financial policies.
- Preparing the SGA Budget in accordance with Title III of this Code.
- Be responsible for the establishment, monitoring, and maintenance of budgeted category accounts.
- Prepare and deliver a financial report for the University-Wide Senate meetings and publish it electronically so it is easily accessible to students. The report should detail all financial activity starting July 1. All discrepancies must be researched and resolved and reported to the Senate with the next financial activities report.
- Serve as the student representative on Committees of the University Senate as outlined in the University Statutes and Bylaws and SGA Bylaws.
- May serve as a member of the Student Activity Fee Committee.
- Approve U-Wide expenditures in accordance with the SGA Bylaws.
- Submit all U-Wide business forms to the Student Activity Fee Committee.
- Perform other duties as assigned or prescribed by the SGA President.
- Each year coordinate with Campus Finance Directors to prepare a request for funding of SGA from the Student Activity Fee Committee.
- To provide transition resources for the next administration’s U-Wide Finance Director to include:
- Transition materials – important contact information, calendar or tasks, meeting notes, summary of accomplishments, etc.
- Recommendations for improvements
- The University-Wide Finance Director shall serve at the direction of the SGA President.
- The U-Wide Finance Director will reports to the SGA President on a regular basis.
Senate Clerk - Atlanta/University-wide
- Applicants must have accumulated 12 semester credit hours at Georgia State University.
- Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 to apply and 2.2 to maintain position.
The Atlanta Senate Clerk is a non-voting member of the Senate and shall have the following responsibilities:
- Tracking attendance at both the beginning and end of each Atlanta and University-Wide Senate meeting.
- Recording detailed minutes and agendas of the Atlanta and University-Wide Senate meetings and working with the SGA Administrative Coordinator to post them on the SGA website within 72 hours of the meeting in which they are approved.
- Keeping an attendance record of the Atlanta and University-Wide Senate meetings, which should includes any late arrivals, early departures and absences from meetings.
- Assisting with any distribution of meeting related supportive materials to the Atlanta or University-wide Senates.
- The meeting minutes from the prior Senate meeting must be distributed within at least three calendar days following the scheduled Senate meeting.
- The Speaker of the Senate appoints an individual outside of the Senate to serve as the Senate Clerk. The Senate Clerk will serve at the direction of the Speaker of the Senate.
- To provide transition resources for the next administration’s Senate Clerk to include:
- Transition materials – important contact information, calendar of tasks, meeting notes, a summary of accomplishments, etc…
- Recommendations for improvements
- The Finance Director shall be required to maintain a minimum of 5 working hours per week during their terms. Office hours shall be defined as hours during which the Senate Clerk is available at the SGA office.
- Working hours and requirements are defined below:
- Two hours in the office including regularly scheduled meetings with the Speaker of the Senate or SGA administrative support staff.
- Three hours between all official meetings and events
- Eight hours between all official meetings and events.
The Student Government Association Judiciary (SGAJ) is the judicial branch of the Student Government Association (SGA). Student Justices are appointed positions that are confirmed by the University-Wide Senate and may serve on the SGA Judiciary for the entire duration of their enrollment, as defined by the Student Code of Conduct, at Georgia State. The SGAJ has the authority to interpret the SGA’s constitution and bylaws. The jurisdiction of the SGAJ is explained in the SGA Constitution and Bylaws available at SGA's PIN Profile.
Chief Justice
To be eligible to serve as a Justice from the Atlanta Campus, a student must:
- Undergraduate students must have completed thirty semester hours to be eligible for appointment and once in
office shall serve until they graduate unless they resign or are removed. - Graduate students must have completed fifteen hours to be eligible for appointment and once in office shall
serve until they graduate, unless they resign or are removed. - Be enrolled with a minimum of six credits as an undergraduate or three credits as a graduate student during fall
and spring semesters. - Must have and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher.
To be eligible to serve as a Justice from the Perimeter College Campuses, a student must:
- Be currently enrolled at the Perimeter College Campus of appointment.
- Have completed a minimum of twelve credit hours.
- Must have and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 (inclusive of Learning Support Courses).
- Members must have good standing, academically and judicially, with the University.
- In upholding checks and balances within the organization, no student may hold office concurrently on the SGAJ and
any other branch of the SGA.
The Chief Justice shall have the following responsibilities:
- The Chief Justice shall serve as spokesperson for the SGAJ.
- The Chief Justice shall organize and preside over regular meetings of the SGAJ.
- The Chief Justice shall organize campus campus-wide recruiting process for new Associate Justices.
- The Chief Justice shall preside over the impeachment hearings of any SGA Senate.
Associate Justices
To be eligible to serve as a Justice from the Atlanta Campus, a student must:
- Undergraduate students must have completed thirty semester hours to be eligible for appointment and once in
office shall serve until they graduate unless they resign or are removed. - Graduate students must have completed fifteen hours to be eligible for appointment and once in office shall
serve until they graduate, unless they resign or are removed. - Be enrolled with a minimum of six credits as an undergraduate or three credits as a graduate student during fall
and spring semesters. - Must have and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher.
To be eligible to serve as a Justice from the Perimeter College Campuses, a student must:
- Be currently enrolled at the Perimeter College Campus of appointment.
- Have completed a minimum of twelve credit hours.
- Must have and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 (inclusive of Learning Support Courses).
- Members must have good standing, academically and judicially, with the University.
- In upholding checks and balances within the organization, no student may hold office concurrently on the SGAJ and
any other branch of the SGA.
The Associate Justices shall have the following responsibilities:
- The Associate Justices shall serve on SGAJ and other committees as designated by the Chief Justice.
- The Associate Justices shall arrange their schedule to assure attendance of mandatory meetings, and all
scheduled hearing proceedings. - The Associate Justices shall be familiar with the resources required to perform position duties (i.e., SGA
Constitution, SGA Bylaws, etc.). - The Associate Justices shall ensure a fair and impartial deliberation on cases presented at the hearing.
- The Associate Justices must provide a written notice of resignation from the SGAJ to the Chief Justice.
Volunteering with SGA is a great way to get involved on campus and learn how the SGA operates. Students can let us know of their interest using this form for the Atlanta committees and this form for the Perimeter College campus committees. Students can select a standing committee on their campus that is of interest to them (see list below) and they will be contacted by the Chair of that committee.
- University-wide Senate committees
- Bylaws Review
- Safety
- Senate committees on all campuses
- Academic Affairs Committee
- Student Engagement Committee
- Student Services Committee
- SGA Elections Volunteer Committee
- Additional Atlanta Senate Committees
- Communications Committee
- Finance Committee
- Additional Perimeter Senate Committees
- Clubs & Organizations
- Government & Community Affairs
- Spirit and Sustainability
Executive Positions
President | Serves as the official representative of the student body in university matters and oversees the University-Wide Executive Committee (the six executive vice presidents and the Atlanta Communications Director). |
Executive Vice President | Administer and coordinate the duties of the Campus Executive Committee (speaker of the Senate, communications director, and finance director) in accordance with the SGA Constitution and Bylaws and the president’s requests. |
Speaker of the Senate | Serves as the speaker of the Senate, votes in cases of a tie in the Senate, and serves as a voting member of the Campus Executive Committee. |
The Communication Director and Finance Director are appointed positions in the Executive Branch of SGA.
Legislative Positions
Senators are voting members of the Senate and make up the legislative branch of SGA. Senators serve on various University Senate and SGA Committees. Senators represent the following colleges and schools at Georgia State University:
- Andrew Young School of Policy Studies
- Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions
- College of the Arts
- College of Arts and Sciences
- College of Education and Human Development
- College of Law
- J. Mack Robinson College of Business
- Perimeter College
- School of Public Health
Once elected as a senator from an academic college, Atlanta campus senators are nominated from within the Senate and elected to chair each of the following committees.
Academic Affairs | Committee responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to, faculty and course evaluations, degree program requirements and curriculum, academic standards, testing methods, academic advising and course selection, student access and success, student support services, academic policies and honor codes, University Libraries, Enrollment Services and other academic programs, services and policies offered through the Division of Academic Affairs and Provost. |
Student Engagement | Committee responsibilities shall include but are not limited to, residence life and housing, student media, leadership programs, development, student discipline, student health and wellness, students’ rights and civil liberties, and any other student programs, services, and policies offered through the Division of Student Affairs. |
Student Services | Committee responsibilities shall include but are not limited to, Student Center, parking and transportation services, University Information Technology, University Public Safety and Campus Police, Campus Services, budget and planning, plant operations and facilities, and any other administrative programs, services, and policies offered through the Division of Administration and Finance. |
Perimeter campus senators (six per campus) are appointed by their respective executive vice presidents to chair one of the following committees:
Academic Affairs | Work to build positive relationships with Academic Affairs faculty and staff. Educate and build student awareness about academic policies and procedures. |
Government Affairs | Coordinate voter registration drives fall, spring, and summer semesters. Educate and inform students on internal and external government issues relative to students. Build awareness about governmental processes that affect student access to higher education. |
Spirit & Sustainability | Coordinate opportunities for students to build school spirit and campus unity. |
Clubs & Organizations | Coordinate and preside over the Inter-Club Council (ICC) for recognized student organizations. Coordinate and host council meetings with clubs and organizations. Promote student success by providing opportunities for clubs and organizations to share event calendars. Provide pertinent information to clubs and organizations. Represent the interest of clubs and organizations to the Senate. Track club and organization events and attendance. Serve as a referral agent to clubs and organizations. Assist in the registration and renewal process of clubs and organizations. |
Student Engagement | Foster student success by implementing goals to resolve student concerns on campus. Construct, write and present resolutions of support for SGA initiatives. Create, administer and compile student satisfaction surveys. Host campus forums to probe and address student concerns. Work to foster positive relationships between students, faculty, staff, and administration. |
Student Services | Promote teamwork by building positive relationships between student services administrators, students, and staff. Educate and build student awareness about student services policies and procedures. |
For election information, issues or concerns, please contact the Student Government Association office at 404-413-1600.
The University-Wide Election Commission is composed of four Election Commissioners, one of whom is the Chief Election Commissioner, a Vice-Chair for Marketing, and a Vice-chair for Logistics, with at least one of the Election Commissioners coming from a Perimeter Campus and vice versa. See the Election Commission section of the Elections page for information regarding position responsibilities.
Applications for Election Commission officers will be available in SGA's PIN profile.
The freshman, transfer, and transition liaisons are active members within the Atlanta campus SGA that serve the student body by participating in SGA activities and initiatives. Applications for all liaison positions are available here.
Liaison Authority & Responsibility
- Serve as representatives of the freshmen, transfer and transition communities respectively.
- Seek student feedback and recommend solutions to student issues.
- Provide a voice for freshmen, transfer and PC transitioned students and the collective student body.
- Advocate for student rights.
- Attend regular Senate meetings.
- Serve on a minimum of one SGA Atlanta campus standing committee.
- Write legislation with a student senator as a sponsor, as appropriate.
Liaison Selection Process
- The Atlanta campus speaker pro tempore is responsible for reviewing the applications and scheduling interviews with the top candidates based on their applications.
- The speaker pro tempore and at least two other senators will conduct interviews and nominate six students for freshman liaison positions and three students for transfer liaison positions and three students for transition liaison positions at the second scheduled session of the Atlanta campus Senate.
- The Atlanta campus senate must confirm the liaisons with a simple majority vote; confirmations can be made as a block vote.
Head Liaison Authority & Responsibility
- Collaborate with their respective liaison members and constituents to produce a report submitted to the SGA Senate at regularly scheduled senate meetings.
- The reports shall seek to provide the senate with freshmen, transfer and transition community consensus. The reports shall include comments, concerns, issues, and surveys specifically from those communities.
- The speaker of the senate may order special meetings with the head liaisons when necessary or in the absence of the Speaker pro tempore.
Head Liaison Selection Process
- The selection process of head liaisons for the freshman group and for the transfer & transition group will be as follows:
- The head liaisons shall be nominated by any voting member of SGA or the respective liaisons.
- The nominated liaisons, upon their acceptance of the nomination, shall then be voted on by the respective SGA liaison group.
- The nominated head liaisons shall be confirmed by a simple majority vote of the respective liaisons present.
- The head liaisons are to submit reports to the Atlanta campus speaker pro tempore no later than three calendar days prior to a regularly scheduled Senate meeting. The reports are to be read by the respective liaisons.
- Failure to produce reports to the senate shall result in an administrative meeting with the speaker pro tempore.
The applications to fill vacancies are available below and will remain open until all positions are filled. The priority review deadline is Sunday, March 31 at 11:59 p.m.
Atlanta Campus
Perimeter College Campuses
A listing of the currently filled and vacant officer positions is available on SGA's PIN profile.
Any graduate and professional senator positions not filled by the first Atlanta campus senate meeting in the Fall semester may be filled with an undergraduate or graduate student at that first fall meeting or soon thereafter.
Student Center West
66 Courtland Street
Suite 270
Atlanta, GA 30303
Mailing Address:
Student Government Association
P.O. Box 3966
Atlanta, GA 30302-3966
Phone: 404-413-1600
President - James Wilson
Communications Director - Carolyn Hardin
Finance Director - Jonclaire Musa
Want to meet with an officer? Visit "Meet Your Government."
AA Building
Suite 1310
3705 Brookside Parkway
Alpharetta, GA 30022-4408
Phone: 770-274-5607
President - James Wilson
Executive Vice President - Arya Shah
Speaker of the Senate - Apply here
Communications Director - Rajath Nair
Finance Director - Vacant - Aleeza Sherwani
Want to meet with an officer? Visit "Meet Your Government."
Student Center West
66 Courtland Street
Suite 270
Atlanta, GA 30303
Mailing Address:
Student Government Association
P.O. Box 3966
Atlanta, GA 30302-3966
Phone: 404-413-1600
President - James Wilson
Executive Vice President - Sarah Forberger
Speaker of the Senate - Julius Redden, Jr.
Communications Director - Sofia Eraydin
Finance Director - Apply here.
Academic Affairs - Tomi Akinyele
Student Engagement - Oluwadolapo Thomas
Student Services - Apply here.
Want to meet with an officer? Visit "Meet Your Government."
College Center (CN)
Suite 1400
555 N. Indian Creek Drive
Clarkston, GA 30021-2396
Phone: 678-891-3225
President - James Wilson
Executive Vice President - Ilaria Bernardi
Speaker of the Senate - Brianna Britton
Communications Director - Hildana Jara
Finance Director - Vacant - Bemnet Nega
Want to meet with an officer? Visit "Meet Your Government."
Student Center (SC)
Suite 2130
3251 Panthersville Road
Decatur, GA 30034
Phone: 678-891-2741
President - James Wilson
Executive Vice President - Vacant - apply here.
Speaker of the Senate - Vacant - apply here.
Communications Director - Vacant - apply here.
Finance Director - Vacant - apply apply here.
Want to meet with an officer? Visit "Meet Your Government."
Student Center (NB)
Suite 2200
2101 Womack Road
Dunwoody, GA 30338
Phone: 770-274-5391
President - James Wilson
Executive Vice President - Vishnavi-Abhishikta Bollapalli
Speaker of the Senate - Jillian Guye
Communications Director - Kouame Boni
Finance Director - Vacant - Michelle Nekati
Want to meet with an officer? Visit "Meet Your Government."
Building 2N
Suite 1210
239 Cedar Lane
Covington, GA 30014
Phone: 678-891-2683
President - James Wilson
Executive Vice President - Elizabeth Osorio
Speaker of the Senate - Shay Johnson
Communications Director - Vacant - apply here.
Finance Director - Vacant - Vacant - apply here.
Want to meet with an officer? Visit "Meet Your Government."